Trauma and Resilience

Trauma is the problem; Resilience is the solution.

 I wish it was that simple. We think we know what “trauma and resilience” is, but few understand enough.

 We know Trauma is a shock or disruption, but we do not recognize how it can permanently change our experience.

 It breaks up our tools for coping. It shortens our patience, unhinges our anger, and floods us with anxiety. And we don’t recognize why or how.

 Trauma is not rational and nurtures irrational thinking, bad thinking. The track for clear thinking is twisted, broken, and dislocated. It grips us mentally, physically, and emotionally.

 The worst is we don’t acknowledge these impacts, because they affect everything.


 Resilience keeps us from getting stuck.

 Resilience has a flexibility and willingness to move away from the crippling “stops” that come with trauma. It helps us wrestle free of anger, fear, and anxiety, but where do we find resilience, how do we nurture it, and how can it help us change?

Resilience cannot cancel trauma, but it can open pathways around and through the darkness of trauma.

 Understanding Trauma opens opportunities for resilience to change our conditions. Understanding Resilience helps us see how it can help with healing from trauma.

We are probing Trauma in this blog and exploring Resilience in the Resilience blog. Read on.


Fire -A Trauma


How Are We Coping?